Thursday, 27 December 2007

Post Christmas message

Well. I had hoped that people pay attention to me but some are just stone deaf. The badies had their way in many locations round the globe. I do not watch TV, but still I get the news through friends who phone. It is funny how all news is bad news. Why can't someone invent a way of reporting good news through the public media? I think I will make several New Year resolutions, one of which will be to strat reporting good news from my local area. I am sure a lot of good events take place here and a lot of people would like to know about them.

And if you are my good friend like you always will be, when you call, tell me some good news.
(wishful thinking)

I will tell you about the children's Christmas dinner later on when I know. The report has not yet come through. The pigeon was sent and is still on the way.
Have a Happy New Year. Remember I asked for goodness to prevail till the 20th January.

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